First Class Guitar Lessons Tokyo





Online Course

Unlock a modern path to improvisation

that finally shifts you away

from the typical scale playing approach.

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Learn Jazz Guitar Online

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Do you feel overwhelmed with all the scales you are supposed to play and practice?

Most people get lost with all the information out there.

Would you agree that you get confused with all the advice on “which scale to play over which chord”?

Let me tell you that there is a much simpler approach out there.

An approach that is not only much more intuitive, but also a more “modern” approach to improvisation.

I’m talking about Upper Structure Triads on the guitar.

Being able to fire off upper structure triads in your solos will make you sound infinitely more modern and contemporary than with the usual scale/chord approach.

It’s a different “vehicle” and a powerful tool you want to have in your arsenal.

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 Coming Soon - Spring 2023

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The Lydian Upper Structure Triads - Online Course will provide a simple, fresh and modern path to improvisation for the intermediate guitar player.

In this course, we will explore the soundscapes of the Lydian Upper Structure Triads.

After going through this course you will be able to use them at any time and in any situation.

Guitar Upper Structure Triads
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Guitar Online Course

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