First Class Guitar Lessons Tokyo

 Major Bebop Scales

Online Course


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Dip your toes into the world of guitar improvisation with An in-depth study of the Ionian and the Mixolydian bebop scales.

If you are the person who has been unsuccessfully trying to improvise and encounters an invisible barrier, this course will be the first step to “Jazz up” your regular guitar soloing.

You will go through a step-by-step method to really get these scales under your fingers and use them in a playful way.

We will play through all scale degrees, ascending/descending, and connect them in all positions.

Discover a curriculum that will make you improvise and elevate you to an advanced level.

This course is designed specifically for rock guitarists transitioning into improvising Jazz guitarists.

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Receive music college know-how compressed into only one course.

Save yourself 2 - 3 years worth of college tuition.

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Online Jazz Guitar Course

Course Overview

PART I - Major Bebop Scales

  • An In-depth study of the Ionian bebop scales and Mixolydian bebop scales

  • Playing through all scale degrees, ascending/descending

  • Connecting Bebop scales in all positions

  • Downloadable content such as backing tracks, PDFs and other learning materials

  • Song applications, optional exercises, motivation and mindset chapters and much more

  • Gain access to a supervised private Facebook group where students can share their progress.

*NOTE: This is PART I of the full “Jazz Guitar Transformation Online Course”. The topics covered in each part can be treated individually, but are better practiced in order. As I do not know your current level, I would highly recommend starting from the beginning or check out the entire course to experience the full effect of this curriculum.

Online Guitar Courses

Access PART I now for $59

Jazz Guitar Transformation Online Course - PART I
One time

(pre-tax) Major Bebop Scales

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