First Class Guitar Lessons Tokyo

Chord Tones

Online Course


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Most famous jazz musicians will give you the advice that before playing any crazy lines and licks, you should be able to play a simple musical solo by exclusively using chord tones.

Chord tones are the cornerstone and blueprint to everything you're ever going to practice on the guitar. Not only for Jazz but for music in general.

You will go through a step-by-step method to really get them under your fingers and use them in a playful way.

Experience an In-depth study of all basic chord tones on the guitar and connect them in all positions.

Discover a curriculum that will make you improvise and elevate you to an advanced level.

This course is designed specifically for rock guitarists transitioning into improvising Jazz guitarists.

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Receive music college know-how compressed into only one course.

Save yourself 1 - 2 years worth of college tuition.

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Jazz Guitar Online Course

Course Overview

PART III - Chord Tones

  • In-depth study with all basic chord tones

  • Limiting yourself to single strings

  • Ear training chapters

  • Downloadable content such as backing tracks, PDFs and other learning materials

  • Song applications, optional exercises, motivation and mindset chapters and much more

  • Gain access to a supervised private Facebook group where students can share their progress

*NOTE: This is PART III of the full “Jazz Guitar Transformation Online Course”. The topics covered in each part can be treated individually, but are better practiced in order. As I do not know your current level, I would highly recommend starting from the beginning or check out the entire course to experience the full effect of this curriculum.

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Jazz Guitar Online Course

Access PART III now for $59

Jazz Guitar Transformation Online Course - PART III
One time

(pre-tax) Chord Tones

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