Free PDF Guitar Transcription | Pat Metheny - Seminar Warmup


Hey Friends,

I just finished transcribing Pat Metheny’s famous warmup footage from a seminar he did years ago in Italy and I wanted to share it with all of you guys.

If you ever wanted to have an amazing-sounding warmup exercise, you should definitely check this one out. It covers all the necessary techniques for you to get your hands warmed up without sounding too mechanical.

You can watch it right here:


There are many sections in there, that will make you sound like playing a sophisticated Bach Etude. Some of the sections and patterns in this video are actually not included in his own “Guitar Etudes - Warmup Exercises For Guitar Book” from Hal Leonard. So as a fan of Pat Metheny’s guitar playing, I highly recommend playing through this!

As you can see in the video, it basically covers everything you need to build finger independence and picking technique. If you need a surefire way to limber up on the guitar, just play through this PDF. I have been using this every day for some time now and definitely noticed an improvement in my right-hand picking accuracy.

No worries, if you don’t fully understand what Pat is playing in this etude or why the chords move and transition the way they do…There should be something cool to discover in there for everybody and it is a fabulous-sounding warmup exercise.

You can find the download link for the full PDF down below.

Have fun with it and stay tuned for more transcriptions in the near future!

All the best,



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